Kingdom’s London Dry Gin



This London Dry Gin Style oozes flavour, so much so, all you need is ice & a glass.
Sit back, sip and enjoy this smooth refreshing taste and feel the love.

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London Dry is the King of Gin, no question. It is the versatile drink that can be enjoyed combined with your favourite mixer or as a base for the most creative of cocktails, making it one of the United Kingdom’s most popular spirits which of course is also enjoyed all over the world. Kingdom’s London Dry Gin was the first of our spirit collection and the most difficult to get right. We knew we wanted a London Dry Gin that was a cut above the rest, didn’t taste like anyone else’s and was such a well balanced, smooth, flavoursome drink you could just as easily enjoy it sipped over ice as blended with a premium mixer or fruit juice, whatever takes your fancy.

We found our perfect partner distillery to create our London Dry bottle. We knew they had to have the same ideals as we do, small batch distilling, take your time to get it right, attention to detail, consistent quality and a recipe that’s proven itself to be a winner again and again. London Dry Gin should have its own personality and we believe we have achieved that with Kingdom’s London Dry Gin. It’s classic and smooth, made from a blend of citrus fruits, cardamon, angelica root and a collection of other botanicals combined with the traditional London Dry base of juniper. Blended together these create our own unique London Dry Gin taste which has been finished as a wonderfully smooth drink we are very proud of. We don’t normally create more than 250 bottles of any of our products each time we produce, that means we can maintain quality and consistency, making sure the flavour is exactly as it ought to be and how we know you will enjoy it time after time. We launched our gin for Christmas 2020 and won our first award in 2021, it seemed to us we had hit the nail on the head exactly, and the feedback from our customers since has reinforced that belief.

If you would like to try our gins come and see us as we move around the country attending shows, festivals and food events, you can find all the details of our programme on our website and it will be updated as new invitations come our way. We are always delighted to see customers and let them try our London Dry Gin, first the smile – then the wow over the smoothness – and then they can’t leave the show without one, come along and see what all the fuss is about, take a bottle home and make sure you leave us a review on Trustpilot, that’s the way we can spread the word about our products and their quality. As a young business feedback from our customers is what helps us to understand which products you love and we plan to grow providing you with the products you want to buy and enjoy. Why not try our London Dry Gin for yourself, you can order through the website, it’s a simple and easy process and we’ll send you a bottle straightaway so you can enjoy a glass of this unique gin just as soon as possible?  Make sure you taste it before you share, you wouldn’t want to miss out and as soon as everyone else tastes it you might be at the back of the queue. Join the Kingdom Recommends tribe, be part of our family, let’s enjoy together.

The Story

In May, 2000 an 18 year old, South African boy arrived in London, England. He was here to further his education, to study politics and history, so that he could better his life, pursue a career in government and support his family at home.

When he arrived his visit did not go to plan, the friends he thought he had to stay with could not be found and instead of being met by familiar faces, he found himself alone in an unknown city, with little money and no where to go.  The money he had, had been borrowed from a family friend, he didn’t want to use it, waste it as he knew it needed to be repaid, so after a 13 hour flight, he got his bags and walked the streets of London.

3 weeks passed by,  he phoned his mum, crying, he told her he was sorry, but he couldn’t go on, England was not the place he had heard it was, he was tired, the streets were lonely,  he was lonely and he didn’t know where he belonged or what he could do, it was a dark time.  His mum was worried, there were no mobile phones and she had no way of contacting him, it was 4 weeks before she heard from him again and this is what had happened during that time…..

After he ended the phone call a man approached the boy and asked him if he was ok, it was that moment of kindness that lasted for ever.  After talking together, the boy explained he had nothing and all he wanted to do was provide and support his family. They spoke at length about the world and opportunity within it, then the man offered him a life line.  He gave him the opportunity of work, he gave him a chance, a job and reminded him to believe in himself.

20 years on and a lot has changed, but the story of one mans belief in another shows how people continue to have faith in one another’s dream.

“Ubuntu” – I am because we are.


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